In 2021, the leitmotif of the PINTA of the Month series are hops. In March, we hit the Australian wilderness to offer you a sessionable beer with the new Eclipse® hop – you’ll get the sweet mandarin, citrus zest and fresh pine needles aroma. The hop profile of the beer is complemented by the Galaxy® variety, which stands for passion fruit and peach, as well as Enigma™, responsible for white fruits, raspberries and blueberries.
ABV: 5,5%
BLG: 13°
Hop Rate: 18 g/l
Premiere: March 2021
Recommended temperature of serving: 8-10 °C
Recommended glass: PINTA shaker
woda; słód jęczmienny: pilzneński; chmiele: do kotła: ekstrakt chmielowy Flex, na whirlpool: Enigma® , na zimno do kotła: Eclipse®, Galaxy®, Enigma®; drożdże Fermentis SafAle™ US-05/ Contains the allergen: malted barley.
PINTA Brewery
PINTA of the Month available
PINTA of the Month available from kegs in the net of pubs, bars, cafes that take part in PINTA of the Month event. Attention – in regard to closing gastronomy, Outback Eclipse® is available also in 500 ml cans.
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